My English class

The 1st September I started working in a CEIP in Terrassa as an English primary teacher. My first job after finishing the degree, just three months ago.
Everything is new for me: my job, the school, pupils, teachers... But I have already noticed something very important in my first day in that school: teachers are a team, there is a very good climate, ... and I’m part of them.
Last day before Christmas holidays... MERRY CHRISTMAS to everybody!!!
Eve and I with the present she gave me (with 2nd ESO C students).
My last day.
As I went to the school to hand in my memorial, I attended "my" class, 2nd ESO C. They have done a vocabulary exam and then they have worked on their pathways while listening to Christmas songs.
But..., after doing the exam and before their autonomous work, Eve (my tutor) gave me a present of the whole class, a photograph of all them!!! I am so grateful to all them!
I said goodbye to everybody, to all teachers... and I left that secondary school, those students and those teachers who have contributed a lot in my professional life and my personal life, too.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I will not forget you.
This morning I went to IES de Sales in order to hand in my CAP practicum memorial, because the school is far from home and I am not sure of being able to go there after Christmas.
I have worked hard in this memorial, which I finished yesterday! (Because yesterday was my last session teaching). Twenty-eight pages without annexes (which are a little bit extensive...: formularies, productions, worksheets, photographs...).
My last day implementing my unit: the final project. Students, in teams, chose a country of the world and they described it: continent, climate, type of clothes, food and buildings. They have also invented new names for them, according to their country.
Only one team has not prepared it because of internal "problems". The other teams did it perfectly!!! I am very happy, pleased... It has been fantastic!
They have also done a self-evaluation and an evaluation of my teaching practise for me. They are so kind... They think I have been a little bit nervous sometimes, but that I teach with enthusiasm. And they liked my activities and they valorate they have learnt! So it is perfect, isn't it? I'll miss them, I'll miss these classes!
This is the little machine teachers use to roll the list.
These are some of the materials used in class: a student’s book and workbook and some cards with grammar, vocabulary, reading, speaking, listening, etc. exercises. Students have also a portfolio with different parts according to the kind of exercises or work: learning biography, listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, readings...
Today we worked about the world. I handed in a minidossier to each student and they did a reading about climates in the world (corrected with a listening -thank you, Ciarán!-) and then they matched countries with their traditional houses (igloo, block of flats, hut, Alpine chalet...), food (paella, rice, curry, raw fish...) and clothes.
Students, as every time, were very involved and they worked a lot!
I am already feeling that I will miss them and my tutor, so I am in the school a lot of hours and I have enjoyed this practicum a lot and people has been very nice to me!
Today it has been a long day at the school. I arrived there at twenty to nine, and at ten past nine I have implemented the forth session of my didactic unit (explanation in the previous article).
After two spare hours I have been to aula d’acollida. Today three students have started school, they are from Colombia (two sisters) and from Uruguay (a boy). There are also two more boys, brothers, from Equator. They have presented and they have worked orally and a little bit written on classroom objects. As all these students speak Spanish (different varieties -it is very interesting to compare vocabulary!-), it is easier to teach them in Catalan, so it is a similar language. There was a Muslim girl before and she did not understant Catalan or Spainsh, so teaching her (as other cases) is a very difficult task! I like the way Pep (the teacher) manages the class and teaches them with real objects, mimic and activities.
Then, at 15:30 and for more than an hour, I have attended the 1st ESO D evaluation. Interesting. There is a very good climate between teachers, so the task is easier!