Computer laboratory

Today I've been in the computer laboratory with 2nd and 1st ESO. They were doing their reader's report exam and they started the exercises in the computer, about unit 2 (by now, grammar: the present continuous tense).
Students love this room, they are excited in the computers, and this allows them to learn more efficiently, I think: they are motivated and they amused themselves.
Apart from these two classes, I have gone to a 3rd ESO aula oberta. In that class there are students who found difficult their level (3rd ESO, in this case) and they are in another class doing fewer subjects that the normal course (they don't do, for example, music; they have only two hours of English instead of three; but they have more hours of technology and they also do tallers, for instance). Their courses are adapted, so they can follow their pace.
I found that class an interesting one. However, I didn't like the image they have of themselves: almost all think they are inferior. The teacher works a lot for their self-esteem, but I saw it difficult because it seems that they believe that by heart.
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