Didactic Sequence (3)

Yesterday I did the third session of my didactic unit. The session was divided into four parts: the first one was a warm up about the two previous sessions, we talk about the poem, I asked them some questions about it...; afterwards some students recited the poem, by memory; then in order to change from an individual activity to a team's one, I made them present their teams (name, people, why they chose that name...); and the final exercise was finishing the picture's description they started last week. They finished the description with one or two more sentences, they cut and stick their picture on a piece of paper and copied the description there.
It was a good session, students were very involved and cooperate more than last session. Nevertheless, when my tutor gave me feedback of my teaching practise, I was aware that I should have encouraged more the students when reciting the poem and I would have to put again the transparency I did about descriptions because the results were fine about the content, but accuracy...
I have to improve a lot of things, I suppose I will do it in the next sessions and in all other teaching practises. However, I have also good things as class management, students are always involved and motivated, they participate... They are used to it because they work like this normally, but I do something too, don't I?
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